LCA (Life Cycle Assessment)

At Re-bag ® we have prepared LCA calculations for our production. It has been a service we have worked with long before it was even in demand. We have done this because we want full transparency all the way to our partners' customers.


What is an LCA?

LCA, or Life Cycle Assessment, is a method for assessing the environmental impacts in connection with all stages of a product's life from raw material extraction, through material use, manufacturing, distribution and consumption, to recycling, landfilling and waste management. LCA takes into account the resources used and the pollutants released through each stage of the product's life.

Why is an LCA important?

LCA is crucial for companies, politicians and consumers as it provides a comprehensive understanding of the environmental impacts of a product or service. With this knowledge, decision makers can:

Identify critical steps where the environmental impacts are most significant.

Make informed decisions about product development, improvements or replacement.

Measure and communicate a product's sustainability profile to stakeholders and consumers.

Meet environmental standards and legislation more effectively.

What is green data?

Green data refers to environmental data or information that focuses on sustainability and environmental protection. This can include data on resource consumption, CO2 emissions, water consumption, pollutants and much more. It can also refer to the process of collecting, storing and analyzing this data in an environmentally friendly way, e.g. using energy-efficient data centers.


What can green data be used for?

Green data plays a central role in sustainability initiatives. Here are some of its uses:

Informed decisions:

Companies can use green data to make environmentally conscious decisions in their operations.

Monitoring & reporting:

Organizations can monitor their environmental footprint and report on their sustainability efforts.

Product development:

By understanding the environmental impacts, companies can design more sustainable products.

Engagement with stakeholders:

Transparent sharing of green data can strengthen relationships with customers, investors and other stakeholders who prioritize sustainability.


Many industries have specific environmental standards and regulations. Green data helps ensure that companies comply with these requirements.


Do you want an LCA with your production request?
If you are missing a report from a previous order or want one for a future one, contact us and we will find out what can be done.

New climate rules and reporting: CSRD, ESG and GHG

From 1 January 2025, the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) comes into force. This requires companies to comply with certain reporting standards defined in the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). A key component of these standards is the requirement to report CO2 emissions from Scope 3, which deals with emissions from suppliers.

As a supplier to a wide range of companies, both large and small, Re-bag ® can provide the necessary data regarding the products we supply. This data, which is validated by Force Technology through Re-bag's Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), can be directly incorporated into your reporting.

Timeline for implementation of the new requirements:

2025: Companies in the EU with over 500 employees (those currently covered by NFRD) must report for the 2024 financial year.


2026: Larger companies that meet at least two of the following three requirements - more than 250 employees, 40 million EUR in revenue or 20 million EUR in assets - must report for the financial year 2025. This applies to companies in accounting class C (large) according to the Danish Financial Statements Act.


2027: Listed small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) must report for the 2026 financial year, although an exemption for 2028 is possible.


2029: Non-European companies with a net turnover of over DKK 150 million. EUR in the EU and which has at least one subsidiary or branch in the EU must report for the financial year 2028.

With these upcoming changes, it is critical for companies to begin preparation now to ensure they are properly collecting and processing valid ESG data.