The UN countries have created 17 common goals, which must ensure a sustainable balance in climate and economy worldwide. We must end poverty, protect our planet, and ensure prosperity for all. This is the essence of the world's goals, which the UN countries adopted in 2015. The ambition is for the goals to be reached by 2030, and this requires a massive effort from both companies and citizens.
The 17 world goals or SDGs as they are also known - where Re-bag can contribute most effectively include goals 8, 12, 14, 15, and 17. Here we have set up concrete goals, sub-goals and activities and will actively be contributing to reaching the goal. In 2017, we started working focused on the selected objectives.
- Goal 8: Decent jobs and economic growth
- Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
- Goal 14: Life in the sea
- Goal 15: Life on land
- Goal 17: Partnerships and action
Below you can see more about the goals we have chosen, as well as read the reasons for the choice, what we have achieved so far and what ambitions we have.
World Goal No. 8: Decent Jobs and Economic Growth

Overall objective: Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
Re-bag activities:
BSCI - Ethics at the fore: Since 2014, we have been active participants in the BSCI - Business Social Compliance Initiative. The standard enforces via audits 10 important ethical rights that follow the ILO (International Labor Organization). Here we have achieved an increase in support from our suppliers, so that today we have 90% of our suppliers with us in this standard.
Our Nordic Ecolabel certification: When you choose Nordic Ecolabel certification on your cotton bags, this is a form of production that largely supports global goal no. 8.
Our GOTS certification: on organic natural fibers (for example cotton and jute) also helps to avoid chemicals throughout the production phase and raise ethical standards.
For 20 years we have had a practice of visiting our suppliers and inspecting the factories we use.
World Goal No. 12:
Responsible consumption and production

Overall goal: Ensure sustainable consumption and forms of production
Re-bag activities:
The Swan label: Per May 2021, we have received Swan-labeled bags in re-bag. The Nordic Ecolabel contributes to reducing the overall environmental impact from production and consumption - and the entire product life cycle - from raw materials to production, use, disposal, and recycling - is included in the assessment when the requirements for the ecolabelled products are determined. This ensures both a more environmentally sustainable production and control back in the supply chain – and it ensures more environmentally sustainable products for the end user.
Circular economy – we look after the resources: Re-bag has worked with circular economy and design for several years. It has not become less important to think circularly - the world is running out of resources, we are becoming more people on earth, so reuse and recycling is the way for all of us to continue to exist. This is one of the reasons why we focus on the properties of our products in being reused and included in recycling.
Recycled plastic in our products: Since 2010, we have had a certification for recycled PP of between 50-91%.
Dansk Erhverv - we share knowledge: How do we become smarter so that we can help our customers with the best possible advice before e.g. choice of plastic types. "Should it be biodegradable, compostable or made from sugarcane (bioplastic) or Oil (conventional plastic)"?
Re-bag has chosen to invest in knowledge about sustainability so that we, and thereby our customers, can make sustainable choices. We assist with knowledge so that our customers can communicate based on a more holistic knowledge of materials, production methods and design.
GOTS – Global Organic Textile Standard – ecology at the fore: Traceability is important to us, which is why we are GOTS certified. This certification has traceability on ecology and ethics.
Re-bag has a goal that 95% of our customers buy materials that are based on a combination of decent working conditions, recycled or organic fibers in designs that meet the requirements for circular design.
Knowledge collaboration with Technological Institutes: In 2014 we had an LCA analysis (life cycle assessment) done on all our materials by Force Technology.
World Goal No. 14:
Life in the sea

Overall goal: Conserve and ensure sustainable use of the world's oceans and their resources.
Re-bag activities:
LCA - Life cycle assessment: As previously mentioned, in 2014 we had an LCA - Life cycle analysis done on all our materials - here we got a clear picture of the materials' environmental impact in terms of; CO2, acidification, nutrient discharge and Ozone. This tool is still indicative of our advice in material selection, reuse, and recycling.
We sponsor the NGO Plastic Change: We have chosen to support the NGO Plastic Change with a sponsored membership. We do this to show shared values, support our business values and provide support for research, general knowledge sharing and concrete activities to help the world's oceans return to a level that is healthy for people, animals, and biodiversity.
We collaborate with Ocean Plastic Forum: As a partner in Ocean Plastic Forum, the goal is to improve the environment in the sea and along the coast by recycling the plastic. The aim is to recycle the largest possible amount of plastic, as high as possible in the value chain, into new products, and to develop alternative technologies that transform the plastic so that it can be reused in the form of monomer recovery (new Plastic).
We are working to get plastic bags, boxes and other packaging produced from the world's oceans and coastal areas - there is a lot of talk about all this plastic and not least how much there is, but getting hold of it and turning it into products is a complex matter, has it turns out.
World Goal No. 15:
Life on land

Goal no. 15 is about life on land
Responsible sources: 2019 was the year Brazil was revealed via satellite to increase the area of burned forest areas by 60% compared to 2018. They are primarily set by humans to increase the area of agricultural land for crops such as soy, sugarcane (bagasse) and palms (palm oil).
Re-bag does not want to be instrumental in replacing rainforest/forest with agricultural land.
We contribute by working with FSC-certified producers (wood from responsible sources).
Labeling of products: We provide guides for recycling, so that you know where the bags, bags and boxes must go when they are used up, to be recycled into new products.
We recommend labeling the products with the waste icons used by the Danish municipalities, thereby giving the end user an improved opportunity to sort into the correct fraction.
More goods produced on renewable resources is important, therefore we are constantly investigating the market for new materials and are interested in how they are produced regarding climate and environment.
World Goal No. 17: Partnerships for action

Goal number 17 is about partnerships for action: here we contribute by having a good and long tradition of partnerships. Be it with educational institutions, knowledge institutions and public and private companies.
In collaboration with other companies and universities, we create innovative and environmentally friendly solutions so that we avoid further pollution in rivers, seas and lakes and get to use the plastic that already pollutes our garden. We do this, among other things, via our certification of recycled plastic.